My Book Festival Timeline (DAY I), or How I Will Become Best Friends With Barack Obama

- drunk authors vomiting in the streets
- the Texas Writers League looting and rioting
- Barnes and Noble employees eating babies
- Amy Sedaris and Tavis Smiley arm wrestling
...I'm going to take pictures and relay to you, in the most exquisite prose, my impressions. It is my belief that between events I will bear witness to things both remarkable and mundane.
Here is my plan...
- DAY 1, Saturday, October 29
- 10AM - See Barack Obama. Try to become his friend.
- 11AM - Attend panel discussion Literary Nonfiction: Telling the Truth with Style, possibly lament not attending Go Girl: Hot Books For Cool Girls.
- 12Noon - Try to catch the conclusion of 2006 O. Henry Prize Short Stories thing.
- 12:15PM - Weep gently while watching discussion of Memoirs Dealing with Dad.
- 1PM - Roam the grounds of the Capitol suspiciously with sandwich.
- 2PM - Cooking Tent: Amy Sedaris.
- 3PM - Getting serious: State of the Union: Politics in America, two Dowds, a Lemann, and a Navasky = Trouble!
More to come...
The tie and jacket both go well with the plastic cup of beer.
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