Some things to consider

Austinist photographer Matt Wright took some brilliant shots at the festival that you can check out here. Check back as there's still more to come.
A liveblog of the 2006 Texas Book Festival... not officially related to anything.
The way to avoid it being cliché is to always make every sexual situation extremely fucked up. So that it just seems totally misguided and wrong and nobody's attractive and you're rooting for nobody and it's just total degradation.
That audacity I think has sometimes been lost in the past decade or so, we’ve replaced it with a politics of cynicism. A politics that feeds on negative campaigns, sound bite solutions to complicated problems, a lot of sound and fury that doesn’t signify much… so much of politics in Washington now is sort of the intellectual equivalent of WWF wrestling. Everyone is acting tough and they’re smacking each other, throwing chairs and nothing really gets done.
The reason I think I wrote this book was because in my travels, first in Illinois and then around the country, what I discovered is that the country is not as divided as our politics would suggest… you go into these so-called red states that are deeply conservative, I don’t know if you guys know any that come to mind, and it turns out that people are concerned about the poor, they’re concerned about the Constitution, they’re concerned about civil liberties, they’re concerned about the environment. You go to these liberal havens like Manhattan… Los Angeles, and, lo and behold, people are worried about morality and values… it turns out there are a set common values and common ideals that really do bind us together as people and the hunger… is to excavate those values and those ideals. To recognize them and… use those ideals and those values to make some common sense, practical, non-ideological decisions about some of the challenges we face in this country… if we don’t make some good decisions now, we may be locking them [our children and grandchildren] into a future that’s a little meaner and a little poorer than the one we inherited.
It certainly doesn’t make sense for us to send 800,000,000 dollars a day to some of the most hostile nations on Earth. We are funding both sides of the war on terrorism. And, by the way, there are a couple of hold outs in the White House, but the other 10,000 scientists have concluded that this climate change thing… [roaring applause]
I like to hang onto that kernel of truth, that essence of myself, that expression of what’s best in me, how do I maintain that? I conclude that the best way for me to do that is to spend a lot of time listening to the American people and a lot of time listening to my wife